I have turned public comments OFF for this post.
B. E., our correspondence seems to not be getting to each other through regular email. This blog post is my last hope to reach you so that you don't think I am ignoring you. I am not ignoring you, I promise!
I have reactivated your order downloads that you are unable to retrieve. I have a how-to link for Word printing at the shop under the top menu. If you are using a different program, I will need to know what that is so that I can try to find out how and help you print more than one image on your sheet.
I am recreating new zip files that only include JPG files so that there is no confusion between the PNG and JPG that are included in regular downloads, and I will email those to you as soon as they are done.
Also, I noticed you ordered an outline set AND a color set of the same product, but the outlines come with the color set, so you are now due a refund of $2.00, which I will send via paypal just as soon as I get a reply from you.
I hope this message finds you! I am trying to help you with your order, and I thank you for shopping Doodle Pantry!